Our Pastor


Rev. Fred L. Bigelow

Rev. Fred Bigelow was born and grew up in Kentville, Nova Scotia. At the age of fourteen he gave his life to Christ. Fred taught Sunday school in his early teens and was ordained as a deacon at the age of 18.

In 1984 Fred went to Acadia Divinity College as a mature student and graduated with the Master of Divinity Degree in 1988. Also in 1988 Fred had the joy of baptizing his parents, his son, Michael, and was ordained to the Christian ministry.

He has held pastorates in Hill Grove United Baptist Church, Wilmot United Baptist Church; and Weymouth Area United Baptist Churches (New Tusket, Riverside and Ashmore Bethel Baptist Churches); Ashmore (Bethel) and Riverside Baptist Churches. He came to Bear River East Baptist Church in December 2015. Pastor Bigelow and his wife Valerie have two married children and two grandchildren.